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নতুন আপডেট

মঙ্গলবার, ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০২৩

How to Use Safety Harnesses Effectively


How to Use Safety Harnesses Effectively

Your safety harnesses will only prove effective if your workers actually wear them and wear them correctly. A few basic tips for harness use are:

Inspect the harness for worn, frayed, or cracked straps and webbing material. Check fasteners, d-ring and grommets and belt tongues for detachment or damage.

With the d-ring in the middle of your back between the shoulder blades, slip the harness on like a vest.

Pull leg straps up and fasten buckles. Stand up and adjust the body strap on the sides to leave no slack.

Fasten and adjust the chest strap with no slack.

Check all shoulder and leg straps to remove slack; make sure you can fit your fingers on a flat hand under your leg straps to allow for range of motion.

Tighten the buckle straps and tuck loose strap ends into their strap retainers.

Not only should a company have the proper harnesses available, but employees should be fully trained on their proper usage. Contact our team at SafetyPro Resources LLC online or call (800) 941-0714 to make sure your company knows the latest legal requirements for fall PPE, and that your fall prevention plan includes employee training in safety harnesses and other essential safety practices

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