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নতুন আপডেট

শুক্রবার, ২৩ জুন, ২০১৭

Grameenphone offer 40 GP-GP Minute at Tk 14

40 GP Minutes at Tk 14

Terms & Conditions:

To avail this Talk Time offer, eligible customers (djuice, Smile, Bondhu, Amontron, Nishchinto, 
Ekota-1, Ekota-2, Ekota-3, Ekota-4, Business Solutions Prepaid 1,2,3,5, Shofol, GPPP and VP subscribers) will need to dial *121*4*4#

Customer will get 40 GP- GP Minutes

The validity of the Free Minutes will be 16 hours from the time of purchase

At the end of the validity period, if a customer has any remaining minutes, it will be forfeited. 

However, if a customer re-purchases within the validity period, the minutes will be added and the higher validity will be given

To check the remaining balance, customer need to dial *1000*2#.

The minutes purchased can be used for any GP numbers

The Price is inclusive of SD, VAT and SC

This offer is not applicable for skitto users

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