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নতুন আপডেট

শুক্রবার, ২৩ জুন, ২০১৭

Bangladesh online Doctors Services


Tonic is a digital health service, which provides a complete solution for your well-being using mobile technology. Tonic is your masterplan to live well.
This masterplan includes three packages:
1. Tonic Free
2. Tonic Advanced
3. Tonic Premium
Tonic Free
All Grameenphone users can avail the service of Tonic Free by dialing 789. Upon joining Tonic Free, the users will get cash coverage of 1000 BDT upto 4 times, 50% discount at 200+ hospitals and partner outlets. The users can also get advices from doctors from anywhere by dialing 789.
Tonic Advanced
Apart from all the benefits of Tonic Free, Tonic Advanced users will get Tonic cash coverage of 10,000 BDT upto 10 times per year. They will also get upto 50% discount at 200+ hospitals and partner outlets, 4 health tips from two channels, monthly 30 minutes of free talk time with doctors, getting advice from doctor through app and 2000+ doctor appointment privileges. You can enjoy all these at Tk. 128 (including VAT) per month.
Tonic Premium
Tonic gives you the best features of health care exclusively in Tonic Premium. By upgrading with minimal subscription fee, Tonic Premium users will get Tonic cash coverage of 25,000 BDT up to 10 times per year. The users will also get upto 50% discount at 200+ hospitals and partner outlets, 10 health tips from five channels, monthly 90 minutes of free talk time with doctors, monthly twice advice from doctors through app, executive health check-up and appointment privilege with 2000+ doctors. The users will also get the chance to get appointments from renowned doctors without any waiting line. Monthly subscription fee (including VAT) 298 BDT
Click here to Know all the Terms and conditions of Tonic

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